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Manuel's Prayers / Poetry

Grandmother's Tears
"The tears fall from above as Grandmother cries.
As Grandfather looks down from the skies,
the Buffalo lifts his head from prayer.
As the Eagle soars to lift it, where
The Turtle's spirit is not the same;
As the Owl refuses to call another child's name...."

In the time it has taken you to read this, another child has been
verbally, mentally, emotionally, physically, or sexually abused.

In the next few seconds, another one will die...

Manuel Redwoman
©2001 - All Rights Reserved.

Grandfather, thank you for this day.

I came to you a nobody. I came to say a special prayer for my mother, mother-earth. A special prayer for my legged-brothers and sisters, my winged brothers and sisters, my finned brothers and sisters and the little-people. Thank you Grandfather.

A special prayer for our sacred ceremonies, for all our sacred items, our pipes, for all our sacred medicines and herbs. A prayer for our sacred directions and colors, thank you Grandfather.

I ask that you continue to watch over our brothers and sisters in each and every correctional and mental facility across our great nations a prayer that they continue to accept your strength, your courage, wisdom and healing, thank you Grandfather.

A special prayer for our people who are sick with diseases and cancers, thank you Grandfather.
A prayer for our brothers and sisters who are still fighting for who they are in other countries, the people, thank you Grandfather.

A special prayer for the warriors of the people who are counselors and teachers who fight our enemies (drugs and alcohol). I ask Grandfather that you continue to give our youth courage, strength, wisdom and healing to continue on and not give in, thank you Grandfather.

Grandfather I would like to say a special prayer for Grandmother who stands by your side and offers us healing, caring and love for her grandchildren here on mother-earth.

Grandfather I come to you a nobody. Thank you for this day.


Manuel Redwoman
2001 © - All Rights Reserved.

I have sat in the shadows and listened to those I've looked up to, watching as they continue the struggle that we have been forced to endure because of who we are and what we stood for, "The People".

Many countries and nations face their own struggles. All of us devoted to carrying on our traditions, cultures and spirituality, for our native people, no matter what race, color or creed.

I've watched and listened to the government(s) of all colors, intimidate and manipulate our very existence, stealing the children, locking up any of our men willing to stand for the people. The most incredible thing I have seen and heard is the strength of our women.

They stood and battled our enemies (alcohol and drugs). If that is not enough, they have the children who will continue the struggle. I have only the deepest respect for women. As a child I lost my mother to one of my people's enemies (alcohol).

Growing up up alone I found a mother I could turn to, who fed me, clothed me, who held me in my lonliness. She breathed life into all. She created life. She loved as only a mother can love a child. She promises all their dreams, and another day. As long as she's alive, she will fight for all. She has given all the beauty. Asking only that we live as one with our four legged, our winged and finned brothers and sisters.

I hear my mother cry as they strip-mine her, then rape her of her very life. Crying with my mother, I pray with her to the Creator. As he cries, his tear drops fall and once again she starts healing. She forgives all. The giver of my life teaches us the secrets of rebirth. Showing us the sweat-lodge, her womb. This, her sacrifice so that we may be reborn. I hear my mother crying as she is sold and forced to allow someone in who has no respect for her sacred womb.

The sacred ways that our mother taught us, they use now for their own purposes. Selling entry into her womb. They do it everywhere, charging money for the sweat-lodge. Cry with my mother, we pray to the Creator.


Manuel Redwoman
© 2002 - All right reserved